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Current job offers
We are looking for committed colleagues with team spirit and the will to further realize our vision and goals.
Are you looking for a working environment in which you can actively shape your career and our company's success as a leading specialist in the home health care market? Then we look forward to getting to know you!
Are you looking for a working environment in which you can actively shape your career and our company's success as a leading specialist in the home health care market? Then we look forward to getting to know you!
Engagiertes Team mit kurzen Entscheidungswegen - wir freuen uns auf Deinen Input! Unbefristeter Arbeitsvertrag - langfristige Zusammenarbeit ist uns wichtig Flexible Arbeitszeiten - Wir managen...
Sales and commerce - Professional - Permanent employment - Full time
Committed team with short decision-making processes - we look forward to your input! Permanent employment contract - long-term cooperation is important to us Flexible working hours - We manage both:...
Finance accounting and controlling - Professional - Permanent employment - Full time
Engagiertes Team mit kurzen Entscheidungswegen - wir freuen uns auf Deinen Input! Flexible Arbeitszeiten - Wir managen beides: Privat- und Berufsleben 30 Tage Jahresurlaub - Zeit zum Auftanken...
Marketing and advertising - Professional - Permanent employment - Full time